links for 2007-05-22 Standard Meet Charlie – what is Enterprise2.0? (tags: Enterprise2.0 web2.0 slideshow socialnetworking) Go Ahead: Push the Red Button – Found+READ Now I know that it’s important not to confuse perfectionism with success. Endlessly pursuing the perfect product can mean never delivering a good product, or the right product. Successful start ups are about effective use of limited resources. (tags: Startup productivity management gaboogie found+read)
links for 2007-05-21 Standard Spock, a first look | The Social Web | (tags: spock zdnet peopleSearch search explode) Will twitter lead the mobile web? Early adopters study on the mobile web Trendsspotting (tags: twitter mobile mobileWeb study market) Web 2.0 Media: Microsoft Launches Popfly- Build Mashups, Gadgets, Web Pages, And Applications (tags: microsoft mashup mashupbuilder popfly)
links for 2007-05-18 Standard Jakob Nielsen Sounds Off About Web 2.0… Again! (tags: design webdesign readWriteWeb jakobNielsen usability)
links for 2007-05-17 Standard Google’s Potential Vulnerability – An Open Ad Network (tags: readWriteWeb google fog fearofgoogle openads advertising opensource) Do you know what’s leaking out of your browser? | Zero Day | (tags: security zdnet browser cookies) The Race to Conquer Video Advertising (tags: advertising video google adbrite youtube scanscout relevancy) VentureBlog: The Widget Economy (tags: widgets economy monetize business symbiotic myspace ventureblog)
links for 2007-05-16 Standard Some Community Tips for 2007 | fortuitous (tags: community social howto socialnetworks fortuitous) Living online, with web apps | fortuitous (tags: fortuitous webapps online google blogging) Rails Envy: Hi, I’m Ruby on Rails – Part 3 (tags: rubyonrails rails ruby railsenvy humor php video) Web Fight: Blocking Ads and Adding Art – New York Times (tags: advertising web adblock art)