links for 2007-10-17 Standard Larry Ellison and the Death of the Midsize Tech Company (tags: wsj wallstreetjournal bea oracle aquisition sap bo businessobject)
links for 2007-10-15 Standard iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme (tags: wordpress plugin ipod iPhone theme)
links for 2007-10-12 Standard Taking Stock – survey about microstock (tags: istock istockphoto microstock photos) The Clock is Ticking for Joost (tags: techcrunch flash joost h.264 video)
links for 2007-10-11 Standard Inkomstmodeller för sociala webbplatser (tags: reklam annonsering sverige svenska inkomstmodeller advertising socialnetworking qmg) The Structured Web – A Primer (tags: semanticweb web2.0 web3.0 rss readWriteWeb aggregator microformats xml structuredweb) xkcd – Exploits of a Mom Robert’); DROP TABLE Students; (tags: xkcd humor funny security database droptable comic)
links for 2007-10-09 Standard Färg och form för Skatteverket Förstudie: webbplatser 2.0 (tags: design webdesign skatteverket svenska sverige) Are Recommendation Engines a Threat to the Long Tail? (tags: longtail recommendation aggregator readWriteWeb)