Month: May 2008
Some of my projects – and
StandardA few days ago I was finally ready to go live with one of the projects that have taken up my time since leaving Kapow – a price comparison search engine for web hosting called The site is all written using CodeIgniter and thanks to Kemie at it also looks great. What I am trying to do is a usefull site where you can compare different hosting providers and their plans so that you can find exactly what you need as cheaply as possible. There are already quite a few such sites out there, but they are all static, hard to use, ugly as hell and more focused on selling hostig than on providing a good service for the user. I think and hope that there is a market for as well, if nothing else there is a chance of doing some cool images of ninjas.
There are still some bugs to work out, I want to add a lot more web hosting providers to the index and of course there are also loads of features I want to add. In my database I do have quite a lot of information about each hosting provider and their plans, so it would be cool to mash that up with some other data, but at this point in time my mind is blank what to do. If you have any ideas about this please let me know!
Another project that I am involved with is the Mexican TV-listing site (“en la tele” = “on TV” in spanish). We have just finished an iteration in our continous development, and vastly improved the search and added other nifty things like channel logos and filtering channels based on your cable provider. I have several entires about writing widgets/gadgets for for sites like MySpace etc, so that will give me a good excuse to soon dig deeper into the OpenSocial specs.
I have more things up my sleeve, projects that have much more to do with mashups. As soon as there is something I can tell you about I will, so watch this space.
links for 2008-05-25
This guide provides a complete overview of many of the processes, techniques and strategies used by professional search engine optimization specialists.
Welcome to, your source for news, articles, reviews and tutorials related to Search Engine Optimization.(tags: seo)
links for 2008-05-23
Curl library for CI to make easier working with HTTP queries.