Web forms bridge the gap between the product and the customer therefore, we designers, need to figure out sound design make the form completion process easy.
Month: December 2009
links for 2009-12-21
Apple's online store certainly played a role in this achievement as retail sales data shows that Mac sales were up 21% year-over-year in the months of October and November. So it's interesting to note that Apple's primary online sales channel (Web-based checkout) was redesigned during this time.
links for 2009-12-20
Drop in CodeIgniter library for the Twitter API
links for 2009-12-16
OS X’s Finder toolbar and droplets as well as how to customize them to look great and amp up your workflow productivity.
This document summarizes the results of some browser tests done while attempting to implement key stroke handling code in JavaScript. It documents inconsistancies in the way different browsers implement keyboard events.