links for 2010-09-24 Standard PUT or POST: The REST of the Story « Open Sourcery (tags: put, post, restful, rest, method, get , delete) PUT vs POST in REST – Stack Overflow (tags: put, post, rest, restful, http, methods, stackoverflow) Snap Bird – search twitter's history (tags: twitter, search, history, oldtweets, tweet) Pictodeck Icon Set: Over 700 Free Pictograms for Keynote – Noupe Design Blog (tags: keynote icons pictograms icon graphics)
links for 2010-09-23 Standard Easy Reverse Routing with CodeIgniter Django style reverse routing for CodeIgniter (tags: CodeIgniter, routing, route)
links for 2010-09-22 Standard Increase iPhone App Downloads by A/B Testing App Names | markjnet (tags: apps iphone appstore testing metrics naming mobile abtesting)
links for 2010-09-15 Standard Autocomplete with Redis – PHP – Snipplr Social Snippet Repository (tags: redis php autocomplete)