links for 2010-07-10 Standard Installing PHP 5.3, Nginx And PHP-fpm On Ubuntu/Debian | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials (tags: php-fpm php5 installation install nginx php ubuntu debian linux) Varnish best practices « Kristian's web log (tags: cache performance varnish tuning vcl best practice)
links for 2010-07-09 Standard [svn] Index of /pecl/oauth/trunk/examples (tags: oauth php pecl example digg fireeagle netflix google provider twitter wepay yahoo)
links for 2010-07-08 Standard Solving the “marketplace” business model (tags: entrepreneur business startup businessmodel marketplace)
links for 2010-07-07 Standard Using pecl/oauth to post to Twitter – Rasmus' Toys Page (tags: pecl php oauth twitter) Writing an OAuth Provider Service – Rasmus' Toys Page (tags: pecl php php5 authentication oauth provider providerservice) PHP: OAuth – Manual (tags: pecl php oauth manual)
links for 2010-07-06 Standard Implementers' Draft: OAuth Consumer Request 1.0 Draft 1 (tags: 2-legged authorization extension oauth consumerrequest draft specification) Consumer Authentication (tags: photobucket oauth 2-legged ConsumerRequest consumerauthentication authentication) Authenticating REST Requests (tags: amazon api webservice rest restful s3 authorization security authenticating restapi) List of HTTP status codes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: 404 wikipedia http status code statuscode) Working with PHP 5 in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) – Professional PHP (tags: apache lamp php php5 osx macosx mac pear mysql install) InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices | Inspiration | instantShift (tags: infographics inspiration visualization graphics design charts chart graphs datavisualization infodesign) Periodic Table of Typefaces (tags: chart periodic periodic-table print design typography) DAN METH – My Trilogy Meter #1 In A Series of Pop-Cultural… (tags: infographics graphs chart film humour trilogy sequels design) Coffee Drinks Illustrated « Lokesh Dhakar (tags: coffee infographics diagram design visualization) OAuth Playground (tags: google security oauth oauthplayground playground test testing)