links for 2010-06-21 Standard server setup with nginx, php5, fastcgi, varnish (tags: fastcgi nginx performance varnish eaccelerator php) Amazon Ec2 image with Nginx, Varnish, PHP-FPM and Mysql (tags: ec2 amazon nginx varnish php-fpm fpm mysql amazonami serverimage image ubuntu) Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices (tags: nginx optimization performance security http) Nginx and Memcached, a 400% boost! – (tags: nginx memcache performance memcached scalability) NGINX + PHP-FPM + APC = Awesome (tags: nginx php fastcgi fast scalability performance php-fpm apache fpm apc) Nginx "how to" – Fast and Secure Web Server (nginx.conf) @ – Open Source Research and Reference (tags: nginx security proxy performance optimization ssl directives) Codeigniter set up on the nginx http server – web technologist (tags: codeigniter nginx php ci) Setup CodeIgniter on Nginx server with fastcgi – Skate in Mars (tags: ci CodeIgniter nginx fastcgi php) Nginx & Comet: Low Latency Server Push – (tags: nginx_http_push_module nginx streaming ruby realtime ajax http httpstreaming longpolling comet push)
links for 2010-06-16 Standard How to access Codeigniter from a WordPress theme (tags: codeigniter wordpress wp ci theme integration)
links for 2010-06-15 Standard 50 snygga och gratis WordPress teman ifrån 2010 (tags: wp wordpress theme themes) Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with EBS (Elastic Block Store) (tags: amazon aws s3 ec2 db mysql ebs elasticblockstore) Painless Amazon EC2 Backup | Django Aware (tags: amazon ec2 backup script s3 aws) phirehose – Project Hosting on Google Code (tags: api streaming streamingapi php twitter phirehose stream firehose library) Tutorial: consuming Twitter's real-time stream API in Python (tags: api python twitter streaming http streamingapi curl)
links for 2010-06-14 Standard JSON Card (tags: flickr javascript joke json reference businesscard card)