links for 2010-05-13 Standard Tags used in HTML Cappuccino Web Framework – Build Desktop Class Applications in Objective-J and JavaScript (tags: ajax javascript js cappuccino objective-j objectivej cocoa framework mvc) Greenhouse Greenhouse: a Graphical Interface Builder for building blazing fast native-style applications using SproutCore. (tags: greenhouse gui ide uibuilder sproutcore js javascript ui) SproutCore (tags: sproutcore html5 javascript ajax api js mvc framework) Webkit CSS Properties (tags: apple browser css css3 safari webkit html5 iphone)
links for 2010-05-12 Standard Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky (tags: joelspolsky hg mercurial sourcecontrol versioncontrol)
links for 2010-05-10 Standard Develop Twitter API application in django and deploy on Google App Engine (tags: appengine googleappengine python twitter rest django gae)
links for 2010-05-07 Standard Mercurial for Beginners: The Definitive Practical Guide (tags: stackoverflow mercurial sourcecontrol versioncontrol hg)
links for 2010-04-29 Standard Begagnadebarnklä – Hitta billiga barnkläder (tags: barnkläder, barn, kläder, katvig, molo, polarn o pyret, billiga barnkläder)