links for 2010-12-16 Standard How to add a custom tab to your Facebook fan page | HighEdWebTech (tags: facebook tab fanpage fbml fb)
links for 2010-12-10 Standard Route 53 Cloud DNS Management Tool: DNS30 (tags: route53 amazon aws dns30 dns)
links for 2010-11-29 Standard Essential Graph API of Facebook | (tags: facebook fb graphapi graph share like event)
links for 2010-11-25 Standard iPad and iPhone Design Inspirations Gallery (tags: ios ipad iphone design insipiration)
links for 2010-11-24 Standard Distracted by Design ยป OmniGraffle (tags: omnigraffle tips omni) OmniGraffle Help You can temporarily disable connections when drawing a line by holding down the option key. (tags: omnigraffle magnet connection help)