pownce – Digitalistic http://www.digitalistic.com Mashup or die trying Sun, 27 Apr 2014 04:03:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The need to Mashup Twitter, Pownce and Jaiku http://www.digitalistic.com/2008/05/02/the-need-to-mashup-twitter-pownce-and-jaiku/ http://www.digitalistic.com/2008/05/02/the-need-to-mashup-twitter-pownce-and-jaiku/#comments Fri, 02 May 2008 09:05:40 +0000 http://www.digitalistic.com/2008/05/02/the-need-to-mashup-twitter-pownce-and-jaiku/ I have some friends on Twitter, a couple on Pownce and Jaiku is the platform of choice in the swedish tech sector so I am getting into Jaiku as well (I am “andreaskrohn” on all of them). Which platform you use depends on what technology you prefer and where your friends are. I don’t really care about the technology at the moment, I just want to keep in touch with my friends (yes I know that Pownce API kicks Twitters ass and that Twitter goes down more than an intern in the Clinton White House, but believe it or not, I prioritise friends over tech). These are 3 different platforms, each trying to be a community. But the community of any one person will not live on one platform, unless that platform gets to be either completely dominant or the technical platform providers takes a step back and let the community live across providers. The latter has happened with telephone services (you can call friends with a different cell phone provider) with email (i can mail people that are stuck on Microsoft Exchange from my Gmail) etc etc. I can not wait until this happens to the microblogs!

It is quite easy to post to several microbloggins services at once. Jaiku does a great job of importing RSS feeds, so posts to Twitter or Pownce can easily be imported to Jaiku. Via Twitterfeed it is easy to get an RSS feed into your Twitter as well. I haven’t found any easy way of getting an RSS feed into Pownce. Also there are apps like Twhirl that let’s you post to all 3 platforms at once. In my case I also use the Twitter Facebook app to get my tweets into my Facebook status and I am looking for a way to do the same with LinkedIn (no success yet). So posting cross-platform is not a problem, even if it means that you need to do some configuration and that all your posts gets trippled or quadrupled.

Reading friends posts from several platforms could also easily be done. I could of course go to all the different services and read each posts on each one, but since I want to do other things with my day than that I would rather use services like FriendFeed or SocialThing that aggregates it all into one place. FriendFeed imports from most sources and have some nice comment features, but the UI really desperatly needs a designers touch. SocialThing imports from just a few places so far (please please add RSS now!) but I still prefer it to FriendFeed. These services and others make it easy to see your friends posts from several platforms in one place. What is missing is a way to naturally post back to the microblogging platforms from these services.

What is needed, and what will come very soon I am sure, is a mashup of all these microbloggin platforms to allow users to be active on several platforms at once all from one place. I would like to see an app that allows me to interact with Twitter, Pownce and Jaiku completely. This means reading other peoples posts, replying to posts to have a conversation going cross-platform and posting to all platforms at once. Since all of the platforms have APIs this should be possible to implement (and for all I know it already exists somewhere, if you know of such an app please let me know through a comment on this post!). This would be a great mashup that would breach the community silos that exists today. Short of everyone moving to one platform a mashup is the best answer to this problem.

Btw, I have some extra SocialThing invites so if anybody wants one please let me know via a comment on this post.

http://www.digitalistic.com/2008/05/02/the-need-to-mashup-twitter-pownce-and-jaiku/feed/ 20
Streamy, Pownce & Popfly invites up for grabs http://www.digitalistic.com/2007/08/24/streamy-pownce-popfly-invites-up-for-grabs/ http://www.digitalistic.com/2007/08/24/streamy-pownce-popfly-invites-up-for-grabs/#comments Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:16:24 +0000 http://www.digitalistic.com/2007/08/24/streamy-pownce-popfly-invites-up-for-grabs/ This is not a feeble attempt to increase my Web 2.0 coolness by following tip #5 in “5 Top Tips on How to be Cool in a Web 2.0 Crowd“, but since I like to play around with new apps and sites I have some of the latest coolness currency to distribute. What I am talking about is of course beta invites to all those services that are trying to get maximum hype by creating more demand than supply. So I have a few invites for anybody who wants. Just leave a comment on this post why you want an invite and unless you have a really crappy reason I’ll give you the ones I have.

  • Pownce – This is Kevin Rose’s (of Digg and Revision3 fame) latest project and one of the most hyped startups the last few months. It has been called a Twitter killer, it has been called a new Social Network, it has been called ICQ on steroids. However you choose to classify it it is damn cool and had a great userinterface and lets you chat and send files to your friends. You can read a good review on Tech-Buzz.
  • Microsoft Popfly – Microsofts Mashup Builder that shows of their new Silverlight platform. Pretty cool and it has good potential to mature into something really usefull. But right now they go a bit overboard with the effects sometimes when everything is semi-transparent and things are spinning all over the place.
  • Streamy – An RSS reader with a social touch. Innovative AJAX user interface that is quite cool, even if not that usefull. Mashable has written a long post about Streamy.

Enjoy your new toys and remember me if you happen to stumble over beta invites to the next big things.

http://www.digitalistic.com/2007/08/24/streamy-pownce-popfly-invites-up-for-grabs/feed/ 4